We have been running brand funded content campaigns across the region since 2012. This has included extensive work with national tourism boards, multinational brands and Presidential Elections. We have produced over 1000 event and promotional videos and multiple television programs in this time.
Main South East Asian datasets are:
General Personal Information
Data Attributes | Percentage |
Unique ID | 100 |
URN | 100 |
Title | 95 |
Forename | 90 |
Other Name | 80 |
Surname | 100 |
PO Box | 3 |
House/Flat No. | 80 |
House/Flat name | 80 |
Street 1 | 92 |
Street 2 | 93 |
Locality | 90 |
City/Town | 95 |
State/Province | 98 |
Country | 100 |
DOB | 78 |
42 | |
Mobile Number 1 | 89 |
Mobile Number 2 | 78 |
Data Source | 100 |
Financial Information
Data Attributes | Percentage |
Home owner | 19 |
Renter | 15 |
Motor Vehicle | 11 |
Motor Vehicle Finance | 9 |
Credit Card | 18 |
Credit Card Level | 18 |
Bank Balance Range | 31 |
Frequent Flyer status | 6 |
Retail loyalty card | 4 |
Retail loyalty card leve | 3 |
Monthly retail card spend | 3 |
Employment Status | 28 |
Job Title | 21 |
Employer | 18 |
Financial Information
Data Attributes | Percentage Coverage of 122 Million Records |
Lifestyle spend - Health | 63 |
Lifestyle spend - Music | 58 |
Lifestyle spend- Fashion | 32 |
Lifestyle spend- Technology | 37 |
Lifestyle spend- Arts | 4 |
Lifestyle spend - Travel | 21 |
Data Attributes | Percentage |
Title | 100 |
Forename | 100 |
Other Name | 55 |
Surname | 100 |
Suffx | 65 |
PO Box | 0 |
House/Flat No. | 80 |
House/Flat name | 80 |
Street 1 | 80 |
Street 2 | 80 |
Locality | 80 |
City/Town | 80 |
State/Province | 64 |
Post Code | 10 |
Country | 100 |
DOB | 35 |
48 | |
Telephone Number | 15 |
Telephone Mobile | 77 |
Passport Number | 5 |
ID Card Number | 12 |
Additional fields
Data Attributes | Percentage |
Home owner | 11 |
Renter | 5 |
Number of people in household | 13 |
Motor Vehicle | 18 |
MV Finance | 15 |
MV Finance Level | 12 |
Credit Card - yes / no | 22 |
Credit card level | 15 |
Credit card type | 5 |
Debit card holder | 8 |
Type of debit card | 4 |
Bank account yes /no | 22 |
Bank account amount | 4 |
Retail Card | 0 |
Frequent Flyer Card holder | 0 |
Frequent fyer level | 0 |
Data Attributes | Percentage |
Lifestyle spend - Health | 65 |
Lifestyle spend - Music | 73 |
Lifestyle spend- Fashion | 35 |
Lifestyle spend- Technology | 12 |
Lifestyle spend- Arts | 7 |
MV Finance Level | 12 |
Lifestyle spend - Pets | 2 |
Lifestyle spend - Travel | 28 |
Employment Status | 22 |
Job Title | 7 |
Employer | 0 |
Income | 15 |
Device ID | 5 |
IP address | 5 |
Type of device | 9 |
Smartphone yes / no | 18 |
Brand smartphone | 6 |
Social Media account holder | 33 |
Type of social media | 0 |
Frequency of social media use | 0 |
Data Attributes | Percentage |
Unique ID | 100 |
URN | 100 |
SSN/ITN | 0 |
Title | 95 |
Forename | 100 |
Other Name | 32 |
Surname | 100 |
Suffx | 0 |
Previous Name | 0 |
Name Changes | 0 |
PO Box | 3 |
House/Flat No. | 75 |
House/Flat name | 75 |
Street 1 | 82 |
Locality | 92 |
City/Town | 92 |
Post Code | 88 |
Country | 100 |
DOB | 67 |
Date at Address End | |
Previous Address | 8 |
55 |
Data Attributes | Percentage |
Telephone Mobile | 88 |
Data Source | 88 |
Home owner | 16 |
Renter | 22 |
Motor Vehicle | 2 |
MV Finance | 1 |
Credit card | 12 |
Credit card level | 7 |
Retail Card | 9 |
Lifestyle spend - Health | 33 |
Lifestyle spend - Music | 21 |
Lifestyle spend- Fashion | 28 |
Lifestyle spend- Technology | 17 |
Lifestyle spend- Arts | 9 |
Lifestyle spend - Pets | 0 |
Lifestyle spend - Travel | 21 |
Employment Status | 34 |
Job Title | 20 |
Employer | 11 |
Monthly retail card spend | 5 |
Online Purchase Frequency | 14 |
Device ID | 11 |
Data Attributes | Percentage |
Unique ID | 100 |
URN | 100 |
SSN/ITN | 0 |
Title | 100 |
Forename | 94 |
Surname | 94 |
PO Box | 3 |
House/Flat No. | 81 |
House/Flat name | 81 |
Street 1 | 81 |
Locality | 92 |
City/Town | 92 |
Post Code | 88 |
Country | 100 |
DOB | 73 |
Previous Address | 11 |
84 | |
Telephone Mobile | 91 |
Data Source | 100 |
Data Attributes | Percentage |
Home owner | 21 |
Renter | 31 |
Motor Vehicle | 13 |
MV Finance | 6 |
Credit card | 13 |
Credit card level | 0 |
Retail Card | 19 |
Lifestyle spend - Health | 26 |
Lifestyle spend - Music | 27 |
Lifestyle spend- Fashion | 33 |
Lifestyle spend- Technology | 12 |
Lifestyle spend- Arts | 8 |
Lifestyle spend - Pets | 0 |
Lifestyle spend - Travel | 31 |
Employment Status | 44 |
Monthly retail card spend | 15 |
Online Purchase Frequency | 31 |
Device ID | 21 |